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Helping you serve others

You have a dream, a vision, a desire to serve others with your metaphysical services. I can manifest that. I bring it into being, through books, classes, events, and businesses.


My skills are understanding, writing, content knowledge, and organization.  I'm a Western Astrologer myself, and have run a business for and worked with multiple spiritual people. So I know many different types of metaphysics, and can understand what you want to say and do in your work. We can come up with a plan as to what you'd like done, and then we can work together to grow your services. 

No matter what metaphysical services you provide, I can help you serve others even better.

You can tell me your ideas, and we can create books, articles, blogs, flyers, etc.  Many different ways to work together. Check all on the Writing Services page.

You can tell me what you like to teach. Then we can create, organize, and advertise classes, sessions, and journeys of your service. Check all on the Classes Services page.

Creating Events

You can tell me events you want to do. Then we can create, organize, and advertise events, sessions, and journeys of your service. Check all on the Events Services page.

Designing & Editing Websites

You can tell me about all your services and products, and we can come up with the best business to provide them. Check all on the Business Services page.

You can tell me your website ideas, and we can create them, or edit what you already have. Check all on the Website Services page.

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